Senate subcommittee votes to restore funding to HUD’s Sustainable Communities Initiative

Yesterday, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development approved its FY 2013 spending bill, including a restoration of $50 million in funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Sustainable Communities Initiative.

The subcommittee voted 15-1 to approve the bill, which contains $53.4 billion for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development spending for FY 2013, a 3.5% decrease from current levels. During the markup, Subcommittee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-WA) emphasized the important role infrastructure investment plays in creating jobs and improving our economy.

“This legislation will create jobs and make critical investments in our nation’s roads, bridges, rail and transit systems, and airports. The bill also preserves an essential part of the country’s safety net by protecting housing assistance for low-income families and veterans,” Murray later said in a statement.


Memphis, TN Aerotropolis holds forum on new economic and redevelopment strategy

Memphis, Tennessee, a HUD Community Challenge grantee, held a forum last week to re-energize its regional economic and redevelopment strategy, which promises to generate over 1,500 new jobs with over $500 million worth of investment. 60 public, private, and non-profit groups are working together to bolster the regional job market, rehabilitate vacant and blighted housing, and improve transportation opportunities.


Spotlight on Sustainability: Pittsburgh's Waterfronts

After facing a major economic downturn in the 1980s due to a drop in steel business demand and production, Pittsburgh is on the rebound, with city leaders looking to transform former industrial corridors into vibrant riverfront neighborhoods.

Today, the former “Steel City” is known as a growing hub for high-tech innovation, education and health care. Pittsburgh’s art scene, job prospects, safety and affordability recently earned it the title of “Most Livable City in America” by Forbes Magazine, and the city’s economic rebound has proven so successful that its story is serving as a model for other recession-hit cities.

Still, Pittsburgh’s comeback is not without obstacles, as many of the areas best suited for in-demand development were not originally envisioned as such, said Lena Andrews, senior planning specialist at the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh.

“Pittsburgh’s riverfronts were used as transportation corridors for industrial production, and were characterized by factories, barges and pollution,” Andrews said. “While the environment has improved since then, the land surrounding them has remained relatively unchanged. The riverfronts were designed around industry rather than the community, and the land around them does not connect to our neighborhoods.”


Partnership in the News: Agencies Participate in USDA Rural Roundtable Discussion

The Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Office recently held a roundtable discussion in Ogden, Iowa with local residents and representatives from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency’s field offices. Bill Menner, the USDA Director of Rural Development for Iowa, described the roundtable in his blog on March 16th as, “A great opportunity to talk with rural residents, business owners, and leaders about the issues facing their communities – and the opportunities that exist.”

It was also an opportunity to speak with Steve Eggleston, HUD’s Iowa and Nebraska Field Office Director, and David Doyle, Sustainable Communities Coordinator for EPA Region 7; continuing the collaboration between USDA and Partnership agencies.


Briefing Profiles Partnership for Sustainable Communities Grants

In a briefing at the Capitol, Wednesday morning, a panel comprised of three Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Regional Planning Grant recipients recognized the benefits the grants are having in each respective community. The HUD initiative, as well as HUD’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, is a vital component of the interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

Northern Maine, southern Florida, and the Memphis, Tennessee region have been able, with the help of grants, to address the unique needs of their community. Briefing facilitator Joe McKinney, Executive Director of the Land-of-Sky Regional Council in Asheville, NC, highlighted the economic focus and long-term benefits of the HUD initiative: “The guiding force behind our program is how these things [land use, housing, and transportation] contribute to economic prosperity.”


Ask your Senators to support the Partnership for Sustainable Communities in FY 2013

Last November, when Congress passed the appropriations bill to fund the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for FY 2012 it did not include funding for another round of the vital Regional Planning and Community Challenge grants run by HUD’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities. This cut hurts communities across the country as they work to address their housing, transportation, and economic needs.

President Obama’s FY 2013 budget proposal would restore $100 million in funding to for these local grants, and we need your help to see that funding through.

Ask your Senators TODAY to support the President’s Budget request for the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities: click here to send a letter to your Senators.


Spotlight on Sustainability: Western New Hampshire

With more and more emphasis being placed on personal health in relation to healthy, vibrant communities, western New Hampshire has joined the numerous places around the county working to improve access to healthy food choices for all sectors of the population. Through funding provided by a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Challenge Grant, the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (UVLSRPC) is spearheading an effort to not only assess the geographic availability of healthy food options in relation to housing, but to then work with municipalities who hope to turn that analysis into a concrete set of policy changes that ensure accessibility, lower obesity rates, and improve public health.


Partnership in the News: Somerville Residents Planning for Future

Three years of work have paid off, with the release of Somerville, Massachusett’s first 20-year comprehensive plan, reports the Somerville Journal.

“This is an extraordinary achievement made possible by the hard work of hundreds of community-minded contributors both inside and outside government,” said Mayor Joe Curtatone at the event. “Because it is based on so much public input and review, it truly represents a consensus view of our values and priorities as a community.”


Partnership in the News: Chamber of Commerce Leaders Promote Southwest Light Rail Line in St. Paul

A study commissioned by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the Minneapolis Regional Chamber, and the TwinWest Chamber, as reported by Minneapolis-St. Paul’s KARE 11,

found that 76 percent of Minnesotans polled agree the state would benefit from expanded public transportation. The same poll showed that 69 percent would like to use public transportation more often.


Western North Carolina looks to harness regional potential

It’s thousands of miles from more recognized hubs of smart growth activity like Seattle and San Francisco, but Western North Carolina has emerged as one of the nation’s leading examples of what is possible when regional planning and economic development strategies find common ground.

Thanks to a $1.6 million grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, government officials, local citizens and business leaders in the region are taking control of their communities’ future. If recent initiatives meet with the success they promise, an area that was once an afterthought even for many North Carolinians might become a staging ground for new businesses at the forefront of the state’s economy.

“I want my kids and grandkids to have a future here,” said Mark Burrows, Planning and Economic Development Director for Transylvania County. “Even before we knew what sustainability was, this is what we have always wanted…a place where there are jobs and people can walk to work.”
