We're All Heading Somewhere New: Monday Morning Videos
Ease into your Monday morning with inspiration and practical advice from experts in transforming community streets.
Ease into your Monday morning with inspiration and practical advice from experts in transforming community streets.
Looking for a way to put your passion for Complete Streets to work this summer? If you’re an undergraduate student or a recent grad based in the DC area, we’d love to have you on our team. Interns are a vital part of our staff, involved in everything from research to strategy to stapling. Our … Continued
A panel of Complete Streets leaders launched our 2011 Strategy Meeting and quickly set a high bar for the day. Panelists spoke on their experience at the local, regional, and state levels, sharing their methods and challenges with the 55 attendees.
While it “wonderful” may be an overstatement, with a half-dozen state legislatures looking at new Complete Streets bills this year, it is an exciting time for the Complete Streets movement.
Mark off an hour in your calendar next Wednesday, February 16 from 3:00p -4:00p ET. I’m joining Mark Cole, PE, Design Section Manager for the City of Charlotte, North Carolina for a webinar that will give an in-depth look at the latest Complete Streets best practices. I plan to cover some of the opportunities to build … Continued
The new Sustainable Communities Building Blocks Program, announced last week by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will provide 20 communities with proven, ready-to-go tools – including our Complete Streets Workshops.
The National Complete Streets Coalition, in cooperation with the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, has selected an outstanding slate of instructor-trainees for its expanding workshop program. The new trainees are national experts in the field and effective instructors of related topics.
Completing the streets means more than just words on paper: it means setting and meeting tangible goals. Examples from across the country illustrate this shift toward a broadened definition of a successful transportation network.
The Complete Streets movement is starting off the new year right: over 200 jurisdictions formally committed to Complete Streets before the ball dropped on New Year’s Eve.
Wondering what happened to the weekend? Read some inspiring words about the transportation professionals who are changing the way we plan, design, build, and maintain our streets – and watch some cartoon dogs reenact the inane way some engineers have traditionally approached community roadways.