Now available: guaranteed high-return investments

In his New York Times blog yesterday, Edward Glaeser asks for nuance and careful thinking on the question of whether countries should spend their way out of the recession: there’s no one answer, and we need to look carefully at the situations different countries are in. Similarly with different kinds of public spending. Some work, some don’t. It’s a good argument, but one he then fails to apply to infrastructure.


DOT, HUD Give State and Local Agencies More Flexibility on FHWA Projects

In an effort to enhance livability and sustainability initiatives, DOT and HUD have created a new process that removes conflict between HUD and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) contracting requirements. The initiative was published in today’s Federal Register. From the Federal Register notice… Under this initiative, the FHWA will utilize Special Experimental Project No. 14 (SEP-14) to permit, on … Continued


Webinar: TIGER II Discretionary Grants and HUD Community Challenge Planning Grants

Webinar: National Infrastructure Investments (TIGER II Discretionary Grants) and Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Challenge Planning Grants Date/Time:  Thursday, July 1 at 2:00pm EDT The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and HUD have issued a joint solicitation for the two planning grant programs in order to better align transportation, housing, economic development, … Continued


Webinar: Sustainable Communities Grant Program

Sustainable Communities Grant Program: Opportunities for Public Health Leadership and Healthy Community Design Date/Time: Wednesday, July 7, 1:00 – 2:30pm EDT Speakers will include: Rajiv Bhatia, Director of Occupational and Environmental Health, San Francisco Department of Public Health Karen Nikolai, Hennepin County (Minn.) Community Design Liaison Dwayne Marsh, Senior Advisor, HUD Office of Sustainable Housing … Continued


Webinar: Sustainable Communities Grant Program

Webinar: Sustainable Communities Grant Program: Making Equity in Housing, Transportation, and Jobs the Heart of Your Region’s Application Date/Time:  Wednesday, June 30, 3:00 — 5:00pm EDT Speakers will include: Maria Zimmerman, Deputy Director, HUD Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities Kalima Rose, Director, PolicyLink Center for Infrastructure Equity Vu Bang Nguyen, Land Use Coordinator, Urban … Continued


EPA Seeks Public Comment on Agency Priorities

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comment on its draft FY 2011-2015 strategic plan, which helps advance Administrator Lisa P. Jackson’s priorities and the mission to protect human health and the environment.  Information about the plan and a link to to the plan is available  here. Please note Objective 3.1: Promote Sustainable … Continued


EPA Launches New Program to Green America’s Capitals

“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a new technical assistance program to help state capital cities design more sustainable communities. Greening America’s Capitals will assist state capitals, selected through a competitive application process, develop a vision of distinctive, environmentally friendly neighborhoods that incorporate innovative green building and green infrastructure. This program is a … Continued


Evaluation Public Transportation Health Benefits

This study, conducted by Victoria Transport Policy Institute for APTA, “investigates ways that public transportation affects human health, and ways to incorporate these impacts into transport policy and planning decisions. This research indicates that public transit improvements and more transit oriented development can provide large but often overlooked health benefits.”
