“Complete Streets” are being co-opted to build unsafe streets. Who is at fault?

Saying that the “Complete Streets mindset” is the problem when a transportation agency builds a dangerous high-speed road and calls it a “complete street” is like calling for the repeal of the Clean Air Act when a highway agency claims their widening project will reduce emissions.


Request for Proposals: SGA Employee Handbook Update

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking a human resources consultant (individual consultant or dedicated individual within a small firm) to perform an update of SGA’s employee handbook and provide associated services related to the rollout of the new handbook. The deadline to submit a proposal is April 3, 2023, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. About Smart … Continued


Request for Proposals: Complete Streets videos

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking an experienced videographer to create two videos (one 1-5 minute video, and one 30-60 second short) focusing on the history of Complete Streets work in Wenatchee, WA since passing their Complete Streets policy in 2016. SGA and the National Complete Streets Coalition provide support, advocacy, and technical assistance for … Continued

Careers Complete Streets Uncategorized

Building the best Complete Streets policies in Missouri: Q&A with Michael Kelley

Leading up to the release of this year’s Best Complete Streets Policies report, we’re highlighting the exceptional Complete Streets efforts of leaders and communities around the country. We’re excited to highlight the incredible work of changemaker, champion, and advocate Michael Kelley, who has helped nine communities adopt strong Complete Streets policies in the Kansas City … Continued

Complete Streets Uncategorized

2023 Complete Streets Dinner: Celebrating progress toward safer communities

  On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, Smart Growth America hosted the 11th annual Complete Streets Dinner to celebrate the work of the National Complete Streets Coalition, a program of Smart Growth America that works to create safer, more complete streets and communities. Speakers included SGA President and CEO Calvin Gladney, representatives from sponsor organizations, and … Continued

Complete Streets Uncategorized

FBC 101 Virtual Edition: Fall 2022 registration now open!

Last fall, the Form-Based Code Institute successfully hosted its most popular class—FBC 101: The ABCs of Form-Based Codes—in a virtual, synchronous setting for the first time. FBCI staff worked for several months with seasoned instructors and other form-based code experts to develop the content and activities. Because of increased interest and use of form-based codes across the country, FBCI is pleased to announce the class will be offered again this spring, launching at the end of March! This is an opportunity for those who are interested in form-based codes to learn from experts and collaborate with other practitioners and interested participants. 

Form-Based Codes Uncategorized

Conversations on economic adjustment and resilience in the context of nuclear decommissioning

A program of Smart Growth America (SGA), the Nuclear Communities team supports nuclear host communities through building capacity and developing resiliency plans, gathering a wealth of information and perspectives along the way. While each host community has its own unique set of circumstances, they all have one thing in common: preparation is needed to be … Continued

Economic development Events Technical assistance Uncategorized

The National Brownfields Coalition testifies before the House Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change

On Tuesday, February 15th, NBC Steering Committee member Lee Ilan represented the National Brownfields Coalition during the virtual ‘Back from the Brink: Restoring Brownfield Sites to Economic Engines’ hearing alongside four other witnesses and brownfields advocates from across the country.

Advocacy Uncategorized