Why do some in DC think livability is not a small town value?

The administration’s Partnership for Sustainable Communities testifies before Congress, representing Housing, Transportation, and the Environment. Photo from DOT. This is part one of a two-part series. Read part two here. From the President down to the Secretary of Transportation, administration officials have spent the year vocally supporting a focus on livability from the federal government … Continued


New USDOT Policy Statement Endorses Complete Streets: On to Implementation

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood announced a sea change in federal transportation policy yesterday, issuing a new policy statement that calls for full inclusion of bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders of all ages and abilities in transportation projects – essentially, a Complete Streets policy.

Complete Streets

Impacts of the Recession on Public Transportation Agencies

This APTA report, “based on a March 2010 survey, provides a national perspective on the extent to which the current recession is affecting public transit agencies and the tens of millions of Americans who use their services. The survey asked APTA member transit agencies to report on actions they have taken since January 1, 2009 in response to the economic downturn and those actions anticipated in the near future.”


Revitalization Advocates Applaud President Obama's FY2011 Budget

Atlantic Station in Atlanta in 1971, today a superb example of a successful brownfield restoration. The economic downturn changed the landscape of communities across the country — creating growing numbers of abandoned homes, shuttered auto manufacturing plants, and vacant land parcels. Distressed and economically disadvantaged areas have been hit worst of all, and more communities … Continued
