Join us in Nashville for Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets

Smart Growth America’s National Complete Streets Coalition, in partnership with the Urban Land Institute, invite you to our second national conference: Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets. The conference will bring together planners, artists, engineers, public health advocates, and many others to collaborate and find practical ways to integrate arts and culture to create streets that are not only safe for everyone, but also better reflect the unique character of their communities.

Complete Streets Events

Register now for “Complete Streets in Canada: Designing for change”

The National Complete Streets Coalition is excited to continue our monthly webinar series designed to help professionals from a variety of disciplines put Complete Streets principles into action. Implementation & Equity 201: The Path Forward to Complete Streets is exploring a new issue each month related to creating safer, healthier, more equitable streets.

Our next webinar, Complete Streets in Canada: Designing for change takes place on Tuesday, January 23rd from 1:00-2:00 PM EST.

Complete Streets Events

Register now for “Public/Private Partnerships: Complete Streets & Large-Scale Development”

The National Complete Streets Coalition is excited to continue our monthly webinar series designed to help professionals from a variety of disciplines put Complete Streets principles into action. Implementation & Equity 201: The Path Forward to Complete Streets is exploring a new issue each month related to creating safer, healthier, more equitable streets.

Our next webinar, Public/Private Partnerships: Complete Streets & Large-Scale Development takes place on Wednesday, October 18th from 1:00-2:00 PM EDT.

Complete Streets Events

Join us for a crash course on federal TOD financing programs

Many transit-oriented development projects are made possible with the help of financing from federal government programs. The details of those programs, however, are tougher to understand. What programs might your development project be eligible for? What time of year do applications open, and when are awards announced? And what do some of the most popular programs look for in applications?

Join us on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 1:00 PM EDT for a free webinar that will answer all these questions and more. “A crash course on federal TOD financing programs” will provide an overview of programs available through USDOT, HUD, and EPA to help municipal leaders, real estate developers, and transit agency staff create more development near transit stations.

Economic development Events LOCUS