Understanding the fiscal impact of zoning and how smart growth solutions can foster fiscal responsibility

As communities across the United States grapple with increasing economic pressures, the role of zoning is becoming even more critical in shaping not just the physical landscape but also the financial health of municipalities. Restrictive single-family zoning, in particular, has profound implications for infrastructure efficiency and fiscal budgets. The Center for Zoning Solutions (CZS), a … Continued

Land Use and Development Rural Development Zoning

Zoning matters in rural areas, too: Why rural communities must consider zoning reform

When we think of zoning reform, the focus often lands on cities—dense urban cores, sprawling suburbs, and the challenges they face with housing affordability, transportation, and equity. However, zoning and zoning solutions are just as critical for rural areas. These communities are deeply impacted by inefficient and exclusionary land-use policies, with consequences that threaten their character, economies, and long-term sustainability.

Rural Development Zoning

Our path forward from the 2024 elections

As the dust from this election cycle settles, it is more apparent than ever that communities are facing increasingly severe and compounding challenges. Economic inequities and the financial pressures tied to the needs of daily life are squeezing communities of every shape, size, and geographic location—and housing and transportation costs are clear contributors to these burdens.

Advancing Racial Equity Climate Change Economic development Land Use and Development Rural Development Transportation

Smart growth: Try that in a small town

One major misconception we encounter in our work is that smart growth principles like Complete Streets, public transit, and mixed-use development are just for big cities and don’t apply to small towns. But over the years, we’ve seen countless examples of rural places that used these strategies to great benefit. I recently traveled to such a place–Brattleboro, Vermont.

Land Use and Development Rural Development Transportation

An Active Roadmap: Best Practices in Rural Mobility

Rural communities in America vary across many dimensions including population and demographic trends, economic and health indicators, and others. Some communities have continued to thrive with improving quality of life and stable or growing economies, while others have experienced a long and slow decline. What is clear is that there are many strategies, including improving … Continued

Rural Development

An Active Roadmap: Best Practices in Rural Mobility

Why should we invest in multimodal transportation for American rural communities and small towns? Click here to download the full report pdf. This report was developed with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-OT18-1802). The views presented in this product do not … Continued

Complete Streets Rural Development

Active Roadmap Case Study: Montpelier, VT

CREATING CONNECTIONS IN MONTPELIER, VT Location: Montpelier, VT Population: 7,434 (2020) Typologies: Traditional main street Key takeaway: In small cities and rural areas, the effects of emergency situations like a global pandemic can hit especially hard. Finding ways to connect the community during crisis can be essential for resiliency in rural areas Vermont’s capital city, … Continued

Complete Streets Rural Development