Austin, TX considers plan to improve downtown with better parks, housing and transportation choices

Austin, Texas, has ambitious goals to make the city’s downtown more affordable to live in and a better place for businesses.

Planners in the city have spent the past four years compiling a master plan for development, to address existing challenges and to plan for growth over the next 25 years. The resulting Downtown Austin Plan, due to go before the city council this week, recommends a number of smart growth strategies for the city, including: improving downtown parks, adding lower-priced housing, preserving historic buildings, making zoning changes that would encourage a greater mix of uses and creating an economic development group to help guide growth in the city’s center.


Ohio Launches New Brownfield Action Plan Pilot Program

This week, Ohio’s Department of Development (ODOD) announced the Brownfield Action Plan Pilot Program, an innovative new initiative aimed at helping communities impacted by multiple brownfields sites create area-wide plans to address them.

Area-wide planning is a smart growth strategy that looks at vacant and contaminated sites as a connected whole, rather than in isolation. The strategy links brownfields redevelopment goals to housing, transportation, and infrastructure goals to support comprehensive revitalization, and it can be particularly helpful for sites like abandoned gas stations that tend to be clustered in neighborhoods or along corridors. Many of these sites are too small or too distressed to be redeveloped individually, but by addressing several brownfields at once area-wide planning can make such properties more attractive to developers.


Building for Prosperity: Louisiana's Smart Growth Summit

Baton Rouge, LA – Developers, advocates, designers and civic leaders from across the region and around the country gathered last week for Louisiana’s sixth Smart Growth Summit. Hosted by the Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX), this year’s summit focused on the economic opportunities created by smart growth.

CPEX, which works primarily in Baton Rouge, is known across the state as the leading advocate for strategic redevelopment, land use and transportation planning. In 2006 the group led a state-funded visioning effort called Louisiana Speaks which engaged 27,000 people in a conversation about the state’s future. Cities, towns and parishes across the region joined the smart growth dialogue, and the results are already apparent in local plans and politics.

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Upcoming Webinar: Transit Corridors for Sustainable Communities – Planning Transit to Connect the Dots

Join us Tuesday, August 23rd at 3:30 PM ET for the next Sustainable Communities Network webinar: “Transit Corridors for Sustainable Communities: Planning Transit to Connect the Dots.” This event is hosted by Smart Growth America, PolicyLink, Reconnecting America and the National Housing Conference.

The session will begin with a discussion of the different types of transit corridors and how what they connect can have significant implications for land uses, ridership, and the potential for development after the transit is built, including a description of examples of these different corridor types and how transit and land use have interacted in a few regions. Following that, participants will learn how planners in a small town in Colorado are making the transition from thinking about making a successful transit system to ensuring that the system is integrated into community life and makes inter-agency connections. The session will conclude with an overview of the innovative tools being used in a joint planning process between city staff in Tigard, OR, a suburb of Portland, and the regional planning agency to direct growth alongside a high capacity transit planning project in the city.

Speakers include Dena Belzer, President of Strategic Economics and partner in the Center for Transit-Oriented Development; Crista M. Gardner, Senior Planner at Portland Metro; and David Johnson AICP, Director of Planning, Roaring Fork Transportation Authority. This webinar will be moderated by Elizabeth Wampler, Program Associate at Reconnecting America and the Center for Transit-Oriented Development.

What: “Transit Corridors for Sustainable Communities – Planning Transit to Connect the Dots”
When: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 3:30 PM ET
Where: Webinar information will be sent to registrants.
RSVP: Click here to Register. Please RSVP by 5 PM ET on August 22nd.

Transportation projects will stimulate new jobs

The unemployment rate is staying stubbornly above nine percent and the President is preparing to offer new ideas for job creations. Hopefully he will pay attention to what groups like the American Society of Engineers and Transportation for America are promoting: infrastructure and transportation will create good, sustainable jobs across the country.


Join Smart Growth America at the Solutions for Sustainable Communities conference in September

State and local leaders are looking for more efficient ways of utilizing existing resources to achieve their housing, transportation and environmental goals. The National Housing Conference’s Solutions for Sustainable Communities, Septmber 26-28, 2011 in Washington, DC, will arm practitioners and policymakers with the best available information on how to work collaboratively and creatively to develop more sustainable and inclusive communities while reducing overall government costs.


"Advocacy Training 201" webinar materials now available online

Thank you to everyone who attended Smart Growth America’s Sustainable Communities Network webinar earlier this week, “Advocacy Training 201.” Telling Members of Congress about your projects and the benefits of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities is a crucial part of supporting these valuable federal programs.

Christopher Coes, Manager of LOCUS, provided additional training on how to talk about your project, The Partnership for Sustainable Communities, and Member of Congress meetings. The webinar also included a simulated in-district meeting with a Member of Congress, which can be viewed below.

As we’ve mentioned before, August recess is one of the best times to meet with your member of Congress (or their staff) to discuss the importance of the Partnership on the ground in your community and to our nation as a whole. To help you make these meetings happen, we have a toolkit available on the Partnership Blog and we are more than happy to assist you with scheduling or provide more infomation. Please contact Melissa Schreiber-Stahl at mschreiberstahl [at] smartgrowthamerica [dot] org with questions or to request scheduling help.


Michigan communities overwhelmingly support public transit ballot measures

As municipalities across the country feel the crunch of tightening budgets, voters are choosing to prioritize public transportation at the ballot box. Transit agencies large and small are feeling enormous fiscal pressures and many are being forced to cut service, lay off workers, and, in some cases, stop operating altogether. According to the American Public Transportation Association, 84% of U.S. transit agencies are being forced to make these choices. However, in the great state of Michigan, voters are choosing to save local transit through property tax levies. Eleven communities held ballot elections on transit funding in 2011, and ten of these were approved.

A ballot measure (sometimes referred to as initiative, proposition, or referendum) is a form of direct democracy where voters decide to approve or reject a policy proposal that is presented on Election Day. The proposal could enact a new law, create or direct a funding source, change the local or state constitution, or even recall an elected leader. Each year, states bring dozens of ballot measures about transportation funding to a vote, particularly about public transit. Often these measures propose creating or renewing a source of funding by enacting a fee or tax, and they can include project lists and designate specific receiving jurisdictions or transit agencies. Transportation ballot measures tend to pass at twice the rate of funding measures for things like arts, education, and open space. According to the Center for Transportation Excellence, transit funding ballots have had a 70% approval rate over the last ten years. They win in both red and blue districts, indicating voters’ willingness to prioritize transportation choices in their communities.

A ballot measure (sometimes referred to as initiative, proposition, or referendum) is a form of direct democracy where voters decide to approve or reject a policy proposal that is presented on Election Day. The proposal could enact a new law, create or direct a funding source, change the local or state constitution, or even recall an elected leader. Each year, states bring dozens of ballot measures about transportation funding to a vote, particularly about public transit. Often these measures propose creating or renewing a source of funding by enacting a fee or tax, and they can include project lists and designate specific receiving jurisdictions or transit agencies. Transportation ballot measures tend to pass at twice the rate of funding measures for things like arts, education, and open space. According to the Center for Transportation Excellence, transit funding ballots have had a 70% approval rate over the last ten years. They win in both red and blue districts, indicating voters’ willingness to prioritize transportation choices in their communities.


Living may actually be cheaper in the region's core

Originally written by David Alpert and posted on Greater Greater Washington
August 3, 2011

The classic rule of thumb, “drive ’till you qualify,” holds that the farther you go from a city center, the cheaper the cost of living. But a new report shows how in the DC area, housing near the core and near transit stations can be cheaper when transportation costs are factored in.

The Office of Planning worked with the Center for Neighborhood Technology to customize their “H+T” housing and transportation index for our region, and to incorporate more recent American Community Survey data as well as Census data.
