2024 FBC Award Winner: Centering equity by prioritizing community needs

The Center for Zoning Solutions, a new program of Smart Growth America, is thrilled to announce the winner of the 17th annual Form-Based Code Award! This year’s jury, a diverse group that included a code writer, a community development director, an architect, and two consulting planners, selected Kingston, New York’s Form-Based Code, for its exemplary … Continued

Economic development Form-Based Codes Land Use and Development Zoning

Zoning matters in rural areas, too: Why rural communities must consider zoning reform

When we think of zoning reform, the focus often lands on cities—dense urban cores, sprawling suburbs, and the challenges they face with housing affordability, transportation, and equity. However, zoning and zoning solutions are just as critical for rural areas. These communities are deeply impacted by inefficient and exclusionary land-use policies, with consequences that threaten their character, economies, and long-term sustainability.

Rural Development Zoning

A note from Toccarra Nicole Thomas on the new Center for Zoning Solutions

For decades, zoning has been used as a tool to segregate and exclude. It has contributed to some of the biggest problems that communities across America face today: people can’t afford to buy homes (let alone rent), there’s an over-reliance on single-family-only housing options, and our sprawling communities are harming people’s health and the environment—not … Continued

Land Use and Development Zoning

So your community has too much parking. What can you do about it?

More often than not, communities take their parking for granted. When parking is discussed at all, the general assumption tends to be that more parking is needed, not less. But as we’ve covered before, American cities and towns often have more parking than they need, thanks to archaic parking requirements that fail to respond to the needs of the day. Adjusting these requirements can have numerous benefits, if decision-makers know where to begin.

Land Use and Development Transportation Zoning

How form-based codes can help reshape a city

Co-authored by Toccarra Nicole Thomas This spring, SGA partnered with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) on a new report, Reshaping the City, which examines how zoning reform can advance racial equity, support housing attainability, create healthy communities, and decarbonize buildings to mitigate climate change. On March 24th, we cohosted a webinar to dive into the … Continued

Form-Based Codes Zoning

The Case for Climate-Informed Zoning: A Study of Fiscal Impact in Norfolk, VA

As the impacts of climate change continue to intensify, zoning presents a key tool to direct development to protect communities from climate events. Norfolk, Virginia, a city at severe risk from sea level rise due to climate change, is among the first cities in the US to use climate adaptation as a core consideration for … Continued

Climate Change Land Use and Development Zoning

New zoning reform technical assistance program in Massachusetts

Smart Growth America is launching a new technical assistance (TA) program to support equitable development and housing attainability in Massachusetts thanks to generous funding from The Barr Foundation.  The program is designed to provide community-based organizations with the skills and tools to advance sustainable, equitable development and affordable housing, and to support generational wealth creation … Continued

Land Use and Development Technical assistance Zoning

SGA selected to administer HUD Community Compass initiative

Smart Growth America, in partnership with the National Association of Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB), was selected to administer technical assistance as part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Community Compass program. In the coming months, SGA will work to support three communities in assessing their zoning constraints to delivering affordable … Continued

Land Use and Development Technical assistance Zoning