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The Fort Lauderdale, Florida, City Commission adopted a Complete Streets policy on October 1, along with a design manual to guide implementation. The city is encouraging better pedestrian, bicycle, and transit accommodations through both the transportation planning and the development review processes. With several demonstration projects already underway, the city will provide further strategic guidance in its Multimodal Connectivity Program, to be released later in the fall. Read more >>
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) introduced a new Healthy Transportation Policy Directive that will boost the Department’s commitment to Complete Streets. Under the directive, all MassDOT Divisions will review all projects currently in design to ensure they “increase and encourage more pedestrian, bicycle and transit trips.” Any projects that do not do so must have approval from thee Secretary and CEO of Transportation before moving ahead. MassDOT will be able to use guidance from NACTO, including its Urban Bikeway Design Guide, in fulfilling the directive’s intent. “This policy directive is the next step in putting into daily practice our commitment to build a healthy, sustainable transportation system that meets all our customers’ needs,” said MassDOT Secretary Davey. Read more >>
Lincoln, Nebraska Mayor Chris Beutler signed a Complete Streets executive order last month. The order calls for the development of an interdepartmental process to ensure Complete Streets is applied; establishes limited exceptions; and requires annual reports on progress. Read more >>