Seeking individuals to develop skills around data and storytelling ahead of Dangerous by Design 2024

Applications are open for a brand new Technical Assistance (TA) program for local champions to develop the skills and knowledge needed to leverage data and storytelling to address rising pedestrian fatalities. Building on our cornerstone resource Dangerous by Design, this program will also provide participants the opportunity to engage with the upcoming edition. The deadline … Continued

Complete Streets Technical assistance

Three bills that would advance equitable, sustainable development

LOCUS, a coalition of triple-bottom-line real estate developers convened by Smart Growth America, made significant advocacy efforts this summer. The coalition’s work aims to advance legislation that could lead to more equitable, sustainable development and better connectivity between land use and transportation policy. A core focus of this advocacy work has been establishing strategies to deliver more mixed-income and mixed-use development near transit. Below are three important bills that would advance these goals.


Zoning for Climate Change: How cities are preparing for future threats

As climate change continues to threaten communities with extreme weather events and sea level rise, innovative approaches to increasing resilience are a critical strategy to mitigate the potential damage. Norfolk, Virginia’s comprehensive climate-informed zoning reform is one of the first to use climate considerations to guide future development—and despite concerns that it could have a … Continued

Climate Change Land Use and Development

Announcing the inaugural Community Connectors program participants!

The Community Connectors program offers technical support and funding for communities working to repair the damage of divisive infrastructure in an effort to reconnect communities. The new Community Connectors program is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and conducted in partnership with Equitable Cities, the New Urban Mobility Alliance, and America Walks. Smart Growth … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Technical assistance Transportation

Complete Streets are a climate solution

Complete Streets ensure safety for all users (with prioritization given to active modes of transportation), support local residents and businesses, and combat the inequities associated with past approaches to transportation. But Complete Streets have an added benefit—they can help communities address the climate crisis in a way that is resource-efficient, equitable, and community-oriented.

Climate Change Complete Streets

Economic Diversification Roadmap: Keeping the Economy Moving in South Central Pennsylvania (Case Study)

Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power plant played an integral role in stimulating the economy of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding Harrisburg metropolitan region from its opening in 1974 until its 2019 shutdown. TMI contributed approximately $1 million in annual tax revenue and an annual $60 million in payroll to the local economy. However, … Continued

Economic development

Economic Diversification Roadmap: Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal

As with any industrial facility, nuclear power plants have a limited lifespan. With respect to commercial nuclear power plants, these facilities are initially licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a 20-year period. As reliability improves along with an increasing demand for low-carbon energy, it is likely that the lifespan of nuclear plants can, … Continued

Economic development

Economic Diversification Roadmap: The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and Nuclear Communities

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a regional planning strategy that focuses on economic development, diversification, and resilience. Taking stock of the economic impact that a nuclear power plant has on not only its host community but also the wider region, is vital in preparing for the inevitable closure of the plant. Who can … Continued

Economic development

Economic Diversification Roadmap: Smart Planning & Development in Southwest Michigan (Case Study)

The 52-year-old Palisades Nuclear Power Plant, located in Van Buren County on the scenic shores of Lake Michigan, formally closed in May of 2022 and was sold to the nuclear decommissioning company Holtec. First announced for a 2018 closure, the Palisades decision was amended, extending its operation until 2022. As Palisades provided approximately 600 well-paying … Continued

Economic development