People are dying on our streets: Why is this happening and how can we talk about it responsibly?

The National Complete Streets Coalition continues our webinar series this month by investigating the increasing number of pedestrian deaths on our streets with two journalists who have reported on the topic. Join us next month for a new topic related to creating safer, healthier, more equitable streets.

Advocacy Complete Streets Uncategorized

Local elected leaders in DC to boost the prosperity of First and Main

Yesterday a group of more than 30 elected local leaders from across the country carried a clear and unified message up to Capitol Hill on behalf of the First & Main coalition of nearly 100 local elected officials from small and mid-sized towns and cities. Their message? “We need reliable federal partners to support our homegrown efforts to rebuild our downtowns, restore our economies, and improve opportunity for everyone.”


FY18 spending bill protects community development and affordable housing programs, reauthorizes EPA Brownfield program

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018—a $1.3 trillion proposal to fund the federal government through September 30, 2018. The omnibus package demonstrates strong bipartisan support for rebuilding our nation’s neighborhoods and repairing its crumbling infrastructure and is expected to move swiftly through the Senate and be signed into law by President Trump in the coming days.

Advocacy LOCUS Uncategorized

Support small-scale manufacturers on #SmallBizSaturday

In 2017, SGA staff was on the ground in scores of communities like these, helping local elected and civic leaders understand how to support and expand this growing sector of their economy to build strong, vibrant, and walkable neighborhoods.

On this Small Business Saturday, you can help us do even more. Make a donation today so we can reach even more communities in 2018 >>

Advocacy Economic development

State groups from across the country take the smart growth message to Capitol Hill

Smart Growth America and the Coalition for Smarter Growth, our local DC regional partner, welcomed thirty other state and regional smart growth organizations from around the country to Washington, DC this week for their annual meeting, including a day of meetings with their legislators to encourage them to pass smart federal policies to support their efforts to build strong communities.


The House introduced its FY2018 THUD spending bill. Here’s what’s in it.

On July 10, the House Appropriations Committee introduced its version of the fiscal year 2018 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development spending bill. The bill includes funding for the Department of Transportation (USDOT), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and other related agencies. In total, the bill reflects an allocation of $56.5 billion in discretionary spending — $1.1 billion below fiscal year 2017 levels and $8.6 billion above the President’s request.

Advocacy LOCUS

Congress hears testimony on why TIFIA is so important, and how it can be improved

On July 12, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a full committee hearing entitled, “The Use of TIFIA and Innovative Financing in Improving Infrastructure to Enhance Safety, Mobility, and Economic Opportunity.”

The hearing focused on the nation’s enormous need for infrastructure investment, and how Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans can help meet it. Christopher Coes, Vice President for Real Estate Policy and External Affairs, joined the hearing to testify.

Advocacy LOCUS