Last session of Commonwealth Communities ends with informative conversation on zoning reform

In the final session of Commonwealth Communities: Smart Growth Strategies for Our Emergent Future, expert speakers ranging from local municipal leaders to professional researchers discussed how to incorporate equity into zoning law. The history of zoning in the U.S. is fraught with racism and disparate impacts on communities of color and low-income communities. We have … Continued


Third session of Commonwealth Communities engages expert speakers and audience on planning for the future of transit and TOD in Commonwealth Communities

Throughout this session, speakers agreed that there needs to be a renewed focus on sustainability and resiliency in urban transportation systems in order to respond to the changing needs of riders and development as we approach a post-COVID world. In order to integrate all of these issues, there needs to be cooperation on all levels: federal, state, and local.


Now hiring: Vice President, Land Use and Development

Reporting to SGA’s President & CEO, the VP will be responsible for setting the strategic direction for the Land Use and Development (LUD) Team, leading and motivating LUD staff, and helping to create a vision for the LUD team and SGA’s niche in the national conversation on housing, land use, zoning, community revitalization finance (e.g., opportunity zones) and equitable development, including issues of racial equity and economic inclusion.

LOCUS Uncategorized

Addressing the challenges and opportunities of the departure of a large local employer

How can communities build an economic recovery in the wake of the departure of a major employer? Our Technical Assistance for Nuclear Communities program heard from a few local leaders who have faced that challenge, and they shared some of the fundamental lessons and best practices that can help communities address many types of economic shock.

Resilience Technical assistance Uncategorized

After nearly 20 years of service, Gov. Parris Glendening begins transition from Smart Growth America, starting new role as senior advisor

Smart Growth America President & CEO Calvin Gladney and Governor Parris Glendening jointly announced that the former Maryland Governor and current President of the Smart Growth America Leadership Institute will be transitioning out of his current role at SGA, while staying on as a senior advisor for the next year.
