Show us the streets near you that are Dangerous by Design

We are just around the corner from releasing Dangerous by Design, our national report that explores why the number of people struck and killed while walking is continuing a decade-long increase and how we continue to design and build streets that are incredibly dangerous for people walking. We want to see the streets near you where … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation

Our new Champions Corner can expand your knowledge about building safer, complete streets

If you want to advocate for and support safer, more complete streets in your community, our brand new Champions Corner is a one-stop shop of resources for local elected officials, decision makers, and stakeholders who want to improve access to activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations in their communities.

Complete Streets

How the Biden administration can make immediate strides on climate and racial equity

Smart Growth America, along with some of our programs, identified immediate executive actions and long-term policy changes that the incoming Biden administration can implement to eliminate structural inequities and address catastrophic global climate change.

Advocacy Climate Change Complete Streets Economic development LOCUS Transportation

State safety targets show need for Congress to further prioritize safety

Cyclists queue at a stop sign.

For decades, state departments of transportation have treated pedestrian and cyclists fatalities like weather events: something that increases simply as people drive more, putting these deaths outside of the control of DOTs. But with COVID-19 proving this to be false, it’s past time for state DOTs to implement performance measures to reduce the number of people killed while walking or biking. Here’s our comparison of state safety targets.

Complete Streets

We’ll never address climate change without making it possible for people to drive less

With transportation accounting for the largest share of carbon emissions in the U.S., we’ll never achieve ambitious climate targets or create more livable and equitable communities if we don’t find ways to allow people to get around outside of a car—or provide more housing in places where that’s already an option. Our new report shows how we can reach those targets while building a more just and equitable society.

Advocacy Climate Change Complete Streets Transportation

21 elected officials selected to champion Active People, Healthy Nation in communities across the country

Today, we are proud to announce the selection of 21 local elected officials to join the inaugural class of the Active People, Healthy Nation℠  Champions Institute. Over the course of six months, these leaders will receive comprehensive training to help them become champions in their communities to promote activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations.

Complete Streets Technical assistance Transportation