The lay of the land: what makes nuclear power plant closure unique?

A program of Smart Growth America (SGA), the Nuclear Communities team supports nuclear host communities through building capacity and developing transition plans, gathering a wealth of information and perspectives along the way. While each host community has its own unique set of circumstances, they all have one thing in common: preparation is needed to be … Continued

Economic development

Conversations on economic adjustment and resilience in the context of nuclear decommissioning

A program of Smart Growth America (SGA), the Nuclear Communities team supports nuclear host communities through building capacity and developing resiliency plans, gathering a wealth of information and perspectives along the way. While each host community has its own unique set of circumstances, they all have one thing in common: preparation is needed to be … Continued

Economic development Events Technical assistance Uncategorized

National Brownfields Coalition participates in EPA roundtable on brownfield redevelopment and gentrification

On December 14, 2021, members of the Coalition’s leadership team and Environmental Justice and Health Committee joined EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) along with other national brownfield advocacy organizations for a roundtable discussion focused on issues of gentrification and displacement of long-term, lower-income community members related to brownfield redevelopment. By hosting this discussion, EPA sought to gain insight on best practices to support brownfield communities across the country in mitigating the potential adverse impacts of new development while continuing to advance their environmental remediation and economic development goals.

Advocacy Climate Change Economic development

What our staff heard at the 2022 Equity Summit

Last week, Smart Growth America hosted our second annual Equity Summit, with each of the three days curated and led by one of our three teams: land use and development, transportation and thriving communities, and economic development. With a phenomenal lineup of speakers, panelists, and Smart Growth America staff, there were plenty of tidbits of knowledge to take away from the Summit. Here’s what a few of our own staff heard.

Advocacy Climate Change Economic development Transportation

The power of economic diversification in our communities

Beyond the devastating effects on a community, economic disasters can present an opportunity for change by highlighting a risky over-dependence on a single industry sector and motivating local leaders and planners to invest in the long-term resiliency of their community. Our work on the economic development team at Smart Growth America seeks to strengthen local economies through diversification—one of the most effective ways to increase long-term economic resilience.

Economic development Technical assistance

In the zone with form-based codes

The results are in: places that adopt form-based zoning codes generally perform better economically than places regulated by more conventional, Euclidean zoning—and there’s evidence that the former can also help foster more equitable development, according to new research released today by the Form- Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America.

Economic development Form-Based Codes

Zoned In: Economic Benefits & Shared Prosperity with Form-Based Codes

Measuring the impact of form-based codes to encourage smart growth Form-based codes are widely recognized as tools to improve the character of a place, encourage physical activity, and strengthen resilience to climate change. While most people who are familiar with form-based codes believe that the places these codes regulate tend to perform better economically than … Continued

Economic development Form-Based Codes

Our economic development team at work in Douglas, Arizona

We’re spending the rest of this summer talking about our data-driven, equity-focused approach to economic development and producing prosperous, resilient places—from the team that makes it happen. Catch up with the full series of posts, essays, and reports on this page. The economic development team at SGA often works with communities to identify strategies for … Continued

Economic development

SGA partners with North End community members to create equitable development plan

At the beginning of 2021, Smart Growth America began working with residents in the North End neighborhood of Newport, Rhode Island to create an equitable development strategy for the community, which is in the path of significant new development. To mitigate displacement and ensure that residents benefit from major public and private investments, the Smart Growth America team is working with local leaders to define a community-based vision, build capacity, and create advocacy strategies.

Economic development