Donate now to support better transportation options and thriving communities

Hi Friend, I’m Beth Osborne, the Vice President of Transportation and Thriving Communities at Smart Growth America. We advocate for a transportation system that safely, affordably, and conveniently connects people of all means and abilities to jobs, services, and opportunities through multiple modes of travel. Donate now to support our advocacy efforts to reimagine our … Continued


Press statement: Newly updated MUTCD doesn’t go far enough to protect pedestrians

Washington, D.C. (Dec. 20) — Yesterday, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), a document “that governs how traffic control devices communicate the design intent to the road user to safely and efficiently navigate the roadway system.” Smart Growth America and Transportation for America … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation

Request for proposals: Illustration services for Arts & Culture program

Smart Growth America is seeking a qualified artist, illustrator, or designer to produce a series of illustrations to communicate the mission and goals of SGA’s Arts & Culture program, particularly with respect to one upcoming project. That particular project will fund and provide technical assistance to artist-activist teams to address transportation and land use systems … Continued


Request for proposals: Transportation artists-in-residence report design – Deadline Extended

Smart Growth America is seeking a qualified consultant to manage the layout and visual design for both a physical report and supporting digital presence detailing the findings from Smart Growth America’s work designing and supporting artist-in-residence programs at state departments of transportation and a virtual convening of transportation artists-in-residence. Deadline Extended: Proposals should be sent … Continued


Brighter streets, safer streets: Improving pedestrian safety after dark

Pedestrian deaths are on the rise, with 76 percent of fatalities occurring at night. We know that the dangerous design of our roadways emphasizes speed over safety. Reduced visibility at night also drastically increases risk. Improved lighting can help keep pedestrians safe, but if we want long-term solutions, we need to reevaluate the priorities deeply embedded in our transportation infrastructure.

Complete Streets Transportation

Announcing the inaugural Community Connectors program participants!

The Community Connectors program offers technical support and funding for communities working to repair the damage of divisive infrastructure in an effort to reconnect communities. The new Community Connectors program is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and conducted in partnership with Equitable Cities, the New Urban Mobility Alliance, and America Walks. Smart Growth … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Technical assistance Transportation

VIDEO: Pedestrian fatalities continue to rise. Here’s why.

In a conversation with CBS Sunday Morning, SGA’s Vice President of Transportation and Thriving Communities Beth Osborne explains that our roads are dangerous by design. If you watch CBS on Sunday mornings, you might have caught our own Beth Osborne talking about dangerous street design. She was joined by John Barth, who’s working on Complete … Continued


VIDEO: How an obscure federal measure justifies the hefty price tag of destructive, divisive roadway projects

Our newest video, part of Divided by Design, helps explain how federal guidance known as value of time gets used every day to justify the cost of building incredibly expensive highways (or additional highway lanes) that divide our communities, produce more congestion and pollution, and ultimately make it harder to get around in nearly every … Continued


Divided by Design

Beginning in the 1950s, highways devastated communities of color and changed our cities forever. But the consequences continue, even as we begin to acknowledge our past mistakes. Why? Our new report examines the racist roots of our current transportation system, revealing that flawed thinking continues to haunt our policies and practices. Without a fundamental change … Continued

Advancing Racial Equity Transportation