Webinar recap: the National Opportunity Zones Marketplace

LOCUS & Smart Growth America recently launched the National Opportunity Zones Marketplace, an online resource to help facilitate equitable development and information sharing. It’s the latest evolution of our work to ensure that new investment in Opportunity Zones benefit existing residents the community at-large instead of displacing the people the tax incentive was intended to help. Watch the recorded webinar about how to use the Marketplace.

Economic development LOCUS Technical assistance

Opportunity Zones aid in historic revitalization and mixed-use development in Greenfield and Montague

The City of Greenfield and the Town of Montague in Massachusetts’ Pioneer Valley sought technical assistance through the first-ever Massachusetts Opportunity Zones Academy to help determine future equitable development project feasibility in their three Opportunity Zones.


Salem considers Opportunity Zones for new mixed-use and TOD development

The proposed South Salem Commuter Rail Station has brought a lot of attention to an underutilized area of land in Salem, which also happens to be a designated Opportunity Zone. During the inaugural Massachusetts Opportunity Zones Academy, SGA provided the City with three different development scenarios to consider for the land use and zoning near the proposed station site.


Barnstable and Yarmouth aim to use Opportunity Zones to promote walkable urban form

The towns of Barnstable and Yarmouth on Cape Cod worked with SGA’s Form-Based Codes Institute during the first-ever Massachusetts Opportunity Zones Academy to gain insight on how to take advantage of their designated Opportunity Zones to create a better sense of place within the two towns.

Form-Based Codes LOCUS Technical assistance

$35.8 billion environmental appropriations bill approved by the Senate Committee on Appropriations, rejects President’s cuts

  The Senate Committee on Appropriations approved the Interior Appropriations Act at $35.8 billion for FY 2020. The Senate’s legislation proposes funding for the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Forest Service, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and a number of other agencies. The bill is set to be voted on by the full Senate … Continued


Webinar recap, Building Complete Streets: The developer’s perspective

This October, we kicked off our new webinar series, Complete Streets 301: Putting people first, with our first webinar, “Building Complete Streets: The developer’s perspective.” A recording of the webinar is now available. You can also download a PDF of the presentation or read the brief recap below.

Complete Streets LOCUS

Registration now open for the 2019 LOCUS Massachusetts Opportunity Zone Convening

  LOCUS is pleased to announce the 2019 Massachusetts Opportunity Zones Academy Convening! On November 15, public and private sector leaders will be meeting to share their expertise and national best practices to advocate for walkable and equitable communities. The convening will also bring together the communities that received technical assistance during LOCUS’ Massachusetts Opportunity … Continued


Working to ensure that Opportunity Zones are a force for good in your community

With the creation of a new national academy for Opportunity Zones, Smart Growth America and our LOCUS coalition of responsible real estate investors continue to be on the forefront of helping communities use this tax incentive as a force for equitable growth that’s mutually beneficial for both investors and most importantly the people who live and do business in them. 

Economic development LOCUS Technical assistance