Best Complete Streets Initiatives: Las Cruces, NM

Opening day at Plaza de Las Cruces. Photo courtesy of Victor Gibbs.
Las Cruces, NM is one of many cities across the U.S. creating a more mixed-use, accessible, and walkable community. The key to their success? A Downtown Master Plan that recognizes the strong connection between land use and transportation. Originally adopted back in 2004, the Downtown Master Plan is a living document that reflects the community’s vision. This plan was crucial to the city’s adoption of a form-based code and advancement of Complete Streets initiatives, including a recent flagship project, Plaza de Las Cruces.

Complete Streets

Reconnecting Neighborhoods: How the Twin Cities are working to heal the wounds inflicted by urban highways

Highways routed through population centers in the 50s and 60s have scarred many communities around the country and left neighborhoods disconnected from opportunity. To help address this in the Twin Cities, Smart Growth America worked with MnDOT on two intersections around I-94 to identify problems and improvements that can be made.

DOT Innovation

Best Complete Streets Initiatives: Rochester, NY

Through the Inner Loop East Transformation Project, the City of Rochester, NY is reimagining its street network by putting people and place before cars. The project supports the city’s vision for a more vibrant, connected downtown by converting an outdated urban expressway into a walkable, bikeable Complete Streets boulevard that reconnects the neighborhoods once divided by the expressway. This project is an important step in achieving the goals set forth in the city’s Complete Streets ordinance and Master Plan.

Complete Streets

Don’t miss the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods

Join the nation’s leading real estate developers, investors, and local elected officials to learn about important housing and tax policy changes, the future of infrastructure and real estate finance, the impact of technology on mobility, and the role of equity in neighborhood redevelopment at this year’s LOCUS Leadership Summit.


Janette Sadik-Khan: Paint the city you want to see

Janette Sadik-Khan spent six years spearheading some of the most pioneering approaches to people-first street design while leading the transportation department for in America’s most populous city. She’ll be bringing that experience and more to Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets as a keynote speaker in April.

Complete Streets Creative Placemaking Transportation

Infrastructure and budget proposals fail to fix crumbling infrastructure or expand economic opportunity

This morning, President Trump released his “Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America” and “An American Budget” for the next fiscal year (FY19). In response, Geoff Anderson, President and CEO of Smart Growth America, issued the following statement:


Join LOCUS for the launch of the 2018 Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign

With the potential of major legislative changes ahead, LOCUS is seizing this unique opportunity to shape federal and local policy and direct funding to support walkable urban neighborhoods across America. We invite you to learn more about our Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods campaign during an interactive webinar on Wednesday, February 21st from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.