One disabled person’s perspective on transit etiquette

Disabled Americans face significant challenges with independent travel, as they are more reliant on transit but often encounter accessibility barriers. This isolation leads to severe physical and mental health impacts, with loneliness affecting people with disabilities at over four times the rate of non-disabled individuals. Disabled Americans are less likely to own a personal vehicle in … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation

Smart growth in rural communities: Key takeaways from the latest Smart Growth Network convening

Rural communities face unique challenges when it comes to growth and development. At the recent Smart Growth Network meeting hosted by the National Endowment for the Arts, experts came together to discuss how smart growth principles can be applied effectively in rural settings. The Smart Growth Network (SGN) is a national alliance of advocates, practitioners, … Continued

Complete Streets Events

Week Without Driving has arrived—here’s why it matters

Started in 2021 by author and Director of the Disability Mobility Initiative Anna Zivarts as a Washington state based campaign, the Week Without Driving challenge illuminates the ways our current system is failing, and encourages us to envision a system that works better for everyone. With the support of America Walks, Week Without Driving has now expanded into a national effort and is happening September 30th through October 6th this year.

Complete Streets Transportation

Making Maryland Safer: Protecting all road users with Complete Streets

Smart Growth America (SGA), through its Complete Streets Leadership Academy, worked with Maryland’s Department of Transportation (MDOT) and State Highway Administration (SHA) to pilot quick-build demonstration projects on state-owned routes in Bel Air, Hagerstown, and Howard County. These three communities were asked to plan, design, and install quick-build projects at specific locations to improve safety … Continued

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