Take the Scenic Route: Mariposa Creek Parkway

One of over 50 case studies included in the newly updated creative placemaking guide, the Scenic Route. Partnering with the Mariposa Arts Council to form a Creative Placemaking Advisory Council, the Mariposa County Planning Department created an artist-led plan to develop a new multi-use trail that celebrates the community’s cultures and ecology.

Creative Placemaking Transportation

Take the Scenic Route: TRAVELS FAR, MTA COVID Memorial

One of over 50 case studies included in the newly updated creative placemaking guide, the Scenic Route. Portraits of MTA workers who have died from COVID are displayed on screens that normally show maps and service changes, along with a newly commissioned poem, “Travels Far” by the U.S. Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith.

Creative Placemaking Transportation

Take the Scenic Route: Everyday Poems for City Sidewalk

One of over 50 case studies included in the newly updated creative placemaking guide, the Scenic Route. Started by artist Marcus Young 楊墨 in 2008, Everyday Poems for City Sidewalk is a program by the City of Saint Paul that uses the city’s existing sidewalk maintenance program as an opportunity to stamp—and publish—residents’ poetry into its sidewalk network.

Creative Placemaking Transportation

How would the American Jobs Plan address insufficiencies in affordable housing and equitable development?

Following up on our previous overview of the American Jobs Plan, we explore some specific provisions related to land use and development intended to address national insufficiencies in affordable housing and related infrastructure, and also make some recommendations to improve it. Within the expansive American Jobs Plan, there are four land use and development proposals … Continued


SGA is partnering with T-Mobile to assist rural communities

In a unique partnership focused on bringing vital connections to rural America, Smart Growth America is helping T-Mobile give one small community a prize package worth $3 million as well as millions in smaller grants for hundreds of other rural and small town communities to reinvest in their downtowns, improve their quality of life, become … Continued

Rural Development Technical assistance

Bigger vehicles are directly resulting in more deaths of people walking

Dangerous by Design 2021 chronicles the impact of street design on pedestrian deaths, but the increasing size of the vehicle fleet is also contributing to the growing numbers of people struck and killed while walking. Federal policymakers so far appear to be asleep at the switch.

Advocacy Complete Streets Transportation

Tell us how COVID-19 changed your community’s active transportation

This year impacted our lives in unprecedented ways, and that transformation extended to the design and use of our streets and public spaces. Across the country, the pandemic put a spotlight on the need and demand for streets that support walking, biking and rolling. We want to know more about how this played out across … Continued

Complete Streets Transportation