Complete Streets Consortium Series: Connecting transit in Aurora

Last month, the Complete Streets team returned to Colorado for the second workshop of the Consortium Series. The series brings together three teams from the Cities of Aurora, Arvada, and Westminster along with representatives from regional health and transportation agencies. To help these places make the most of new and upcoming transit amenities in the Denver region, this workshop focused on creating first-mile/last-mile connections through Complete Streets.

Complete Streets Technical assistance

Watch: Creating safer streets with demonstration projects

Last month, we shared the stories of how Orlando, FL, Lexington, KY, and South Bend, IN launched demonstration projects to create safer streets. Watch the webinar with representatives from all three cities who spoke about lessons learned from their experiences developing demonstration projects.

Complete Streets

Zoning for people & transit with form-based codes

This month on the podcast Building Better Communities with Transit we’re chatting with Susan Henderson of PlaceMakers about the use and benefits of form-based codes. We talk about the focus of these codes (the public realm where people gather and interact with each other), how they are used to support transit, and how a code can affect the streets around them.

Form-Based Codes Technical assistance Transportation