“Complete Streets in Canada: Designing for change” webinar recap
A recording of our webinar, “Complete Streets in Canada: Designing for change,” is now available. Watch the webinar or read the brief recap.
A recording of our webinar, “Complete Streets in Canada: Designing for change,” is now available. Watch the webinar or read the brief recap.
Last month, the Complete Streets team returned to Colorado for the second workshop of the Consortium Series. The series brings together three teams from the Cities of Aurora, Arvada, and Westminster along with representatives from regional health and transportation agencies. To help these places make the most of new and upcoming transit amenities in the Denver region, this workshop focused on creating first-mile/last-mile connections through Complete Streets.
Last month, we shared the stories of how Orlando, FL, Lexington, KY, and South Bend, IN launched demonstration projects to create safer streets. Watch the webinar with representatives from all three cities who spoke about lessons learned from their experiences developing demonstration projects.
Register today for the 2018 LOCUS New England Leadership Summit, happening October 24, 2018 at the Boston Society of Architects in Boston, MA.
This month on the podcast Building Better Communities with Transit we’re chatting with Susan Henderson of PlaceMakers about the use and benefits of form-based codes. We talk about the focus of these codes (the public realm where people gather and interact with each other), how they are used to support transit, and how a code can affect the streets around them.
Thank you to those that joined LOCUS, the Economic Innovation Group, and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) for Understanding your Opportunity Zones. If you missed the live event, you can watch the recorded version here.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve gotten a lot of questions about the free, technical assistance Smart Growth America is offering in partnership with the U.S. Economic Development Administration and Recast City. This FAQ addresses many of the common questions we’ve received.
The First & Main coalition of local elected leaders sent a letter this week to Congress and the Trump administration urging them not to cut or eliminate programs upon which these local communities rely.
With free technical assistance from SGA on the issue available right now, it’s a good time to talk about what small-scale manufacturing is and how it can be a powerful part of the recipe for building great downtowns and neighborhoods in communities of nearly any size.
Next week, join LOCUS, the Economic Innovation Group, and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority for a comprehensive discussion of the new federal Opportunity Zones program.