Complete Streets safety demonstration project: Airway Heights, WA

Airway Heights, WA deployed their safety demonstration project on a key north-south connector in the city that abuts the town’s only school and a public park, generating excitement in the community and creating new safe spaces for people to gather during the pandemic.

Complete Streets Transportation

Complete Streets + COVID-19

Across the country, communities and people have been adapting to life amidst COVID-19. The National Complete Streets Coalition is committed to advancing transportation systems that provide safe access for all users of all ages and abilities. We want to share and uplift strategies communities are using to respond to the unique circumstances brought on by … Continued

Complete Streets

FHWA Complete Streets report lays out an actionable path for transforming street design to prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries

After the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and USDOT issued a report to Congress this week about Complete Streets, Beth Osborne, Vice President of Transportation at Smart Growth America—the home of the National Complete Streets Coalition— issued a statement.

Complete Streets Transportation

Mammoth infrastructure bill is notable for its powerful precedents and significant shortcomings

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill awaiting the president’s signature is notable both for Congress’ most significant commitment yet to address climate change, and its general failure to do anything to fundamentally change the sources of the problem and reach the level of ambition required. This bipartisan infrastructure deal (the IIJA), approved by Congress on November … Continued

Advocacy Climate Change Complete Streets Transportation

20 years, 1600 Complete Streets policies 

Newly released maps show the rapid rate of Complete Streets policy adoption across the country from 2000 to 2020, showing a crystal clear progression of Complete Streets policies across the country. By the end of 2020, almost 1,600 communities across the country had demonstrated their commitment to providing safe access to destinations for everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, race, ethnicity, or mode of travel. 

Complete Streets Transportation

Powerful new tool for helping local communities evaluate the potential benefits of Complete Streets projects

Today, the National Complete Streets Coalition and Smart Growth America are launching a new site to help local communities better model and evaluate the potential benefits of Complete Streets projects—measuring and proving their many economic, health, environmental, equity, and safety benefits—without ever turning over a shovel.

Complete Streets