Apply today: Champions Institute

Picture of a temporary traffic circle in South Bend, IN
Smart Growth America (SGA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity are now accepting applications for the Champions Institute, a new initiative for elected officials focused on safe streets and healthy communities. The Champions Institute will serve to prepare mayors, city council people, tribal representatives, and other local elected-officials to act as champions supporting plans, policies, and funding that promote activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations.

Complete Streets Technical assistance

All eyes on Congress as they negotiate a fourth phase of COVID-19 relief

With the country still in urgent need of more economic relief from the pandemic, Congress continues to be deadlocked on producing a legislative package. In the latest proposal, Senate Republicans unveiled the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act last week—their latest legislative response to COVID-19 following the HEROES Act passed by the House more than two months ago.


New House bill increases funding to infrastructure programs, prioritizes climate change mitigation

On June 3, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure released the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act. This act authorizes nearly $500 billion over five years to address some of the country’s most urgent infrastructure needs, as well as the economic crisis presented … Continued

LOCUS Uncategorized

House bill charts a course for updating country’s outdated transportation policy

The Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (T&I) in the U.S. House released a draft proposal for long-term surface transportation policy today that would replace the existing FAST Act, which expires this year. The INVEST (Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation) in America Act takes a markedly different approach to transportation policy that would begin to put outcomes—instead of price tags—at the center of our decision making.


Our work continues, in solidarity

We, the LOCUS National Steering Committee and Staff, issue the following statement: LOCUS is intensely focused on creating walkable urban places for all. Unfortunately, this country’s long-standing disparities and systemic racism have been on full display with the COVID-19 health crisis, the death of George Floyd, and many others, and now the widespread anger and … Continued


Virtual engagement: A springboard for inclusive community planning

Although “business as usual” is not an option today for most local governments, many continue to move forward with important projects, finding new and innovative ways to engage the public in planning for smarter growth. The Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) is partnering with the National Charrette Institute (NCI) to host a webinar series featuring the tools, techniques, and equity implications of virtual community engagement.
