Video: What new Complete Streets projects can bring to Atlanta

Atlanta voters recently passed several ballot measures that will fund Complete Streets projects in the city. What can residents expect to get out of these new projects?

A new video from the Fulton County Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH) in collaboration with the Atlanta Regional Commission and the City of Atlanta details what a Complete Streets approach is all about, and the ways it can make streets safer, healthier, and more convenient for people of all ages and abilities, no matter how they travel in Atlanta.

Complete Streets

Join LOCUS for everything you ever wanted to know about LIHTC in Michigan

Are you thinking about using Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) in Michigan, and want to learn more about how to create a great application?

Join LOCUS, the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan, and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority on Thursday, February 9, 2017 for a day-long discussion about how to create a great LIHTC application under the Qualified Allocation Plan.


Elaine Chao’s confirmation hearing is tomorrow. Tell the Senate to press her on pedestrian safety.

The U.S. Department of Transportation has the ability and responsibility to address this epidemic. And tomorrow, January 11, Congress is scheduled to hold the confirmation hearing for Elaine Chao, Trump’s nominee for the next transportation secretary. That makes this week a unique opportunity to shine a spotlight on pedestrian deaths.

Advocacy Complete Streets

Now hiring: Community Planning Intern

Smart Growth America is now hiring a paid Technical Assistance Intern to support our technical assistance programs for state and local governments’ across the country.

This position is an integral part of our technical assistance team, and plays a vital role in managing the day-to-day operations of our workshops for local communities around the country. The Intern will work on three programs at the organization: our Foundations for Smart Growth Technical Assistance program, Rural Technical Assistance, and the Governors’ Institute on Community Design.


Get your ticket for the Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner

Before you head home for the holidays, make sure to secure your ticket to the National Complete Streets Coalition’s Seventh Annual Complete Streets Dinner, to be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 in Washington, DC. Conveniently scheduled during the 2017 Transportation Research Board meeting, this intimate and fun event brings together top Complete Streets professionals, policymakers, supporters, and friends to celebrate the successes of the Complete Streets movement in the last year.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets Steering Committee spotlight: VHB

Mike Jelen (far right) helping the Coalition deliver a Complete Streets technical assistance workshop in Lowell, MA.

The National Complete Streets Coalition is just that—a coalition—and our success is made possible by our many partner organizations. VHB is one of the newest members of our Steering Committee and we’re proud to welcome them. We sat down with Mike Jelen, VHB’s Vice President & Managing Director, to learn more about their work and what drives their commitment to Complete Streets.

Complete Streets