SGA partners with Lincoln Institute on climate-informed zoning project

In partnership with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,  Smart Growth America (SGA) is eager to begin a new research project that will analyze the fiscal impacts of climate-informed zoning policy in Norfolk, Virginia, a community already experiencing the damaging impacts of climate change, including flooding.  Alongside a comprehensive scan of peer cities’ climate-informed  zoning approaches, SGA will consider how those approaches and land use policy can affect housing affordability, fiscal budgets, and equitable development objectives as well as highlight best practices to help coastal communities better prepare for future flooding and other climate change hazards.

Climate Change

LOCUS Member Spotlight: Shannon Morgan

Latin for “place,” LOCUS is a national network of real estate developers, investors, and professionals, united to advance equitable, walkable urban development in communities across the country. Together LOCUS members work to increase funding and financing for smart growth development; improve regulations at all levels of government to support smart growth; and change federal programs … Continued


Complete Streets safety demonstration project: Wenatchee, WA

With the use of a pop-up event that pulled in local stakeholders and a well thought-out  engagement strategy, a small city with a history of successful quick-build Complete Streets projects gained a better understanding of community goals and created a strong case  for funding a project to improve safety and health outcomes. 

Complete Streets

The lay of the land: what makes nuclear power plant closure unique?

A program of Smart Growth America (SGA), the Nuclear Communities team supports nuclear host communities through building capacity and developing transition plans, gathering a wealth of information and perspectives along the way. While each host community has its own unique set of circumstances, they all have one thing in common: preparation is needed to be … Continued

Economic development

Understanding the FHWA’s recent Complete Streets report and its role in transforming roadway safety and design

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently issued a report to Congress outlining the agency’s commitment to using Complete Streets as its default approach to funding and designing roadways, as well as the agency’s ongoing challenges and opportunities in advancing safety and reducing traffic injuries and fatalities. This is an important step forward, especially when combined with a newly established Complete Streets hub and additional roadway design guidance.

Complete Streets Transportation

Success stories from three of our Champions Institute alumni

Graduates of Smart Growth America’s inaugural Active People, Healthy Nation Champions Institute are using what they learned to advocate for Complete Streets and safer activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations across the country. After completing the institute in 2020, Councilmember Sallie Alcorn from Houston, TX, Mayor Robyn Tannehill from Oxford, MS, and Mayor Jerry Martin from Alma, … Continued

Complete Streets

Complete Streets safety demonstration project: Arlington, WA

In a small but suburbanizing city on the extreme northern edge of metro Seattle, a temporary pedestrian crossing and median refuge helped improve safety, reduce speeds, educate residents and drivers about the importance of slower speeds and better walking access, and spark important conversations about the future of the community in Arlington, WA.

Complete Streets Transportation

SGA statement on new SEC climate disclosure requirements

Yesterday, The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the agency empowered to oversee financial markets, announced a proposed rule change that would require publicly traded companies in the U.S. to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related risks, while also indicating how these risks will impact their businesses and strategy in the future. Smart Growth … Continued

Climate Change

Conversations on economic adjustment and resilience in the context of nuclear decommissioning

A program of Smart Growth America (SGA), the Nuclear Communities team supports nuclear host communities through building capacity and developing resiliency plans, gathering a wealth of information and perspectives along the way. While each host community has its own unique set of circumstances, they all have one thing in common: preparation is needed to be … Continued

Economic development Events Technical assistance Uncategorized

LOCUS Member Spotlight: Dinkar Ganti

Latin for “place”, LOCUS is a national network of real estate developers, investors, and professionals, united to advance equitable, walkable urban development in communities across the country. Together LOCUS members work to increase funding and financing for smart growth development; improve regulations at all levels of government to support smart growth; and change federal programs to … Continued