Building affordable housing around transit: plan ahead and spread it out

Cities of all sizes are facing a shortage of housing for their poorest, most vulnerable residents. And a smaller set of booming cities are becoming completely unaffordable to even the middle class. To ensure enough attainable housing is built to satisfy demand, particularly as new transit service comes to an area and raises land values, such housing has to be planned for and spread out as much as possible.

Economic development LOCUS Uncategorized

Seen and heard at the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit

The breadth of topics covered at the LOCUS Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods reflected the breadth of expertise among attendees. Here’s a look back at the walking tour, keynotes, sessions, and Capitol Hill lobby with the First & Main coalition that were caught live on Twitter with #LOCUSsummit2018.


Local elected leaders in DC to boost the prosperity of First and Main

Yesterday a group of more than 30 elected local leaders from across the country carried a clear and unified message up to Capitol Hill on behalf of the First & Main coalition of nearly 100 local elected officials from small and mid-sized towns and cities. Their message? “We need reliable federal partners to support our homegrown efforts to rebuild our downtowns, restore our economies, and improve opportunity for everyone.”


LIVE: Community as Corporation, Talent Retention Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Watch the welcoming remarks from the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit by LOCUS Director Christopher Coes, LOCUS President Jair Lynch and Oxford, MS Mayor Robyn Tannehill, followed by the keynote from Majora Carter, a leading urban revitalization strategy consultant, real estate developer, and Peabody Award winning broadcaster.


Safe Streets Academy cities launch demonstration projects

Through the Safe Streets Academy, three cities are build skills in safer street design, tactical urbanism, and community engagement. After our second workshop, the teams from Lexington, KY; South Bend, IN; and Orlando, FL applied these skills to launch on-the-ground demonstration projects testing techniques to slow down drivers and make their streets safer places for people.

Complete Streets

Development Opportunities in Michigan

Michigan is going through an urban transformation that’s making the region more walkable—and we are bringing together the people making it happen. Join LOCUS, the Michigan Municipal League, and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation on May 2, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. EDT to learn more about the real estate market, the Redevelopment Ready Communities® (RRC), and opportunities for … Continued


Today is the last day to register for the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit

This year’s event is an interactive opportunity for members of the real estate industry to learn more about the future of walkable, triple bottom line development and to connect with like-minded professionals working on these types of projects and advocating for better public policy across the country. Don’t miss your chance to attend.


What did we learn at Intersections last week? Personal reflections from our staff

Intersection Registration table at Music City Center in Nashville
Before the Intersections conference in Nashville last week, some people might have been scratching their heads at the idea of a conference bringing together artists with transportation experts. But once the conference started, everyone keyed in on how much they could learn from one another and what they could accomplish together. Here are a few personal reflections from our staff about Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets.

Complete Streets Transportation