Join our webinar to hear about the Arts & Transportation Rapid Response projects.

The Arts & Transportation Rapid Response is an initiative for transportation agencies looking to creatively and quickly address pandemic-related transportation challenges. Earlier this year, Smart Growth America in partnership with Forecast Public Art selected three artists to work in tandem with partner transit agencies to design and implement projects that address pandemic-related transit challenges and … Continued

Creative Placemaking Transportation

SGA partners with North End community members to create equitable development plan

At the beginning of 2021, Smart Growth America began working with residents in the North End neighborhood of Newport, Rhode Island to create an equitable development strategy for the community, which is in the path of significant new development. To mitigate displacement and ensure that residents benefit from major public and private investments, the Smart Growth America team is working with local leaders to define a community-based vision, build capacity, and create advocacy strategies.

Economic development

Smart Growth America’s economic development approach

Some may think of smart growth as a physical form of development, but in a simpler sense it’s deciding how to best use limited resources when it comes to choices about land use, housing, development, and infrastructure. Our economic development team is at the core of SGA’s work to move the needle on these questions across the country.

Economic development

Wanted: Local, elected champions for Complete Streets

Applications are open for the second round of our Active People, Healthy NationSM Champions Institute, an opportunity for local elected officials to gain the knowledge needed to effectively advocate for and support safer and more Complete Streets. Building on this year’s inaugural class, this second cohort will receive comprehensive training to help them become champions in their communities to promote activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations.

Complete Streets

Relaunching the Scenic Route: T4A’s newly updated resource on arts, culture, and transportation

Last week, we hosted a webinar to celebrate the relaunch of our newly updated creative placemaking guide, the Scenic Route. This conversation with Smart Growth America, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the leaders of two projects featured in the guide explains key case studies to help inspire you, and provides an orientation to the new website, which can be found at If you asked a question that wasn’t answered in the webinar, we’ve included answers below.

Creative Placemaking Transportation

Three forward-thinking moments from the “Undoing the Damage of Urban Freeways” webinar

For decades, transportation planners planned and built urban freeways that destroyed many communities of color and continue to have devastating economic and environmental effects long after their inception. We’ve rounded up three of most intriguing ideas from the “Undoing the Damage of Urban Freeways” webinar to learn from in future planning:
