Happy Women’s History Month from LOCUS!

The real estate industry and LOCUS have been fundamentally shaped by the work of women developers and investors, policy experts, government officials, planners, designers, and community organizers. From federal policy to real estate finance, infrastructure to equity, women are influencing the way we think about rebuilding America’s neighborhoods and transforming them into vibrant and inclusive walkable communities. LOCUS is proud to be hosting a talented line-up of these dynamic leaders at the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods next month.  


FY18 spending bill protects community development and affordable housing programs, reauthorizes EPA Brownfield program

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018—a $1.3 trillion proposal to fund the federal government through September 30, 2018. The omnibus package demonstrates strong bipartisan support for rebuilding our nation’s neighborhoods and repairing its crumbling infrastructure and is expected to move swiftly through the Senate and be signed into law by President Trump in the coming days.

Advocacy LOCUS Uncategorized

Bipartisan omnibus bill represents a strong federal commitment to local communities

Yesterday, congressional leaders released a bipartisan FY18 omnibus funding agreement. In response Smart Growth America President and CEO Geoff Anderson issued the following statement: “This bipartisan appropriations bill reflects a strong federal commitment to rebuilding our country’s neighborhoods and investing in a range of federal programs that will help local leaders and advocates build strong … Continued


Announcing the Best Complete Streets Initiatives of 2017

This year we’re highlighting 12 of the best Complete Streets initiatives, projects, and champions around the country in lieu of our typical annual Best Complete Streets Policies report. The Best Complete Streets Initiatives of 2017 celebrates the people and communities that are setting an example for implementation and equity in Complete Streets which are an important part of the new Complete Streets grading framework that will take effect next year.

Complete Streets

2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit prices going up Friday, March 23rd

The 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods is just around the corner. LOCUS is excited to welcome the nation’s top real estate industry leaders, policy experts, and elected officials to Washington, DC from April 22-24 and we hope to see you among them. Registration prices will go up this Friday, March 23. So don’t miss your chance to participate in this year’s dynamic event!


Cool & Connected: How rural towns can revitalize their downtowns with broadband access

With the right investments in reliable broadband, communities can revitalize their downtowns and attract younger Americans that can bring their existing businesses and remote jobs with them. Listen to this webinar to hear about how Zanesville, OH and Eastport, ME are retooling their towns for a 21st century economy.

Economic development Rural Development

Transit on the agenda (and the ballot) in Nashville

a map of the proposed BRT routes, light rail lines, high-frequency bus corridors, and community transit centers on the Nashville ballot this May.On May 1, residents in Nashville will be voting on a $5.2 billion proposal to dramatically improve and expand the city’s transit system with improved frequency on existing lines, new BRT routes, and a new light rail system. Our upcoming conference, Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets, is happening right in the midst of this once-in-a-generation conversation.

Complete Streets Transportation

Best Complete Streets Initiatives: Baltimore City Councilman Ryan Dorsey

Councilman Ryan Dorsey, in collaboration with the advocacy organization Bikemore, drafted a groundbreaking Complete Streets ordinance for the City of Baltimore. The Complete Streets ordinance, if adopted, will introduce stringent, binding requirements to proactively reduce disparities in community engagement, project delivery, and performance measurements. The proposed ordinance is the result of a yearlong stakeholder engagement process that has built a broad coalition of supporters to oversee the adoption and implementation of this ambitious ordinance.

Complete Streets