Early achievements of the second class of the Champions Institute

The Active People, Healthy Nation℠ Champions Institute—launched in 2020—is our initiative to equip a hand-picked group of elected officials to effectively advocate for and support safer and more complete streets in their communities. Today, we are proud to announce the second cohort of champions: 20 local elected officials who will receive comprehensive training to help them become champions in their communities to promote activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations.

Complete Streets

Request for proposals: Research and writing support for SGA’s transportation work

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking consulting support to conduct research for and/or write several public-facing reports and resources. These resources will support the technical assistance, advocacy, and thought leadership of Transportation for America and the National Complete Streets Coalition. The updated deadline to submit is Monday, October 31.

Climate Change Complete Streets Transportation

Complete Streets Policy adoption continues to grow across the country

Our latest maps show the growing evolution of Complete Streets policy adoption across the country from 2000 to 2021. Communities continue to commit to providing safe access to destinations for everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, race, ethnicity, or mode of travel. The Complete Streets maps were produced in partnership with the Centers for Disease … Continued

Complete Streets

Request for proposals: Complete Streets Leadership Academy workshop instructors

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking consultant workshop instructors (individual consultants or dedicated individuals within firms) to support SGA staff in facilitating three upcoming several-month Complete Streets Leadership Academy technical assistance programs in California, Connecticut, and Tennessee. Proposals are due Friday, September 23.

Complete Streets

Four states selected for the 2022 Complete Streets Leadership Academies

The National Complete Streets Coalition is pleased to announce the selection of California, Connecticut, and Tennessee for Complete Streets Leadership Academies. In these Academies, three local jurisdictions in each state will learn about Complete Streets, explore new ways to coordinate with their state DOTs, and then plan and implement “quick-build” temporary demonstration projects on state-owned roads.

Complete Streets DOT Innovation Technical assistance Transportation

Has your community recently adopted a Complete Streets policy? Share it with us!

The National Complete Streets Coalition is gearing up for our Best Complete Streets Policies 2023 report and we are collecting new policies to review. This report celebrates the work of communities across the country that are working to make their streets safer, healthier, and more equitable.  It’s been a few years since we last wrote … Continued

Complete Streets

The Champions Institute is back with its third cohort of local leaders

The Active People, Healthy Nation℠ Champions Institute—launched in 2020—is our initiative to equip a hand-picked group of elected officials to effectively advocate for and support safer and more complete streets in their communities. Today, we are proud to announce the second cohort of champions: 20 local elected officials who will receive comprehensive training to help them become champions in their communities to promote activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations.

Complete Streets

The most dangerous places in the U.S. for people walking: announcing Dangerous by Design 2022

Our newest report—Dangerous By Design—is here. More than 6,500 people were struck and killed while walking in 2020, an average of nearly 18 per day, and a 4.5 percent increase over 2019. News reports tend to blame individual behavior for these crashes, but we have another explanation for the ongoing epidemic of traffic fatalities: our streets are dangerous by design.

Complete Streets Transportation

When it comes to design, we must also consider the deadly impacts of ever-larger vehicles

the increasing size and weight of personal vehicles are also having an impact on the steadily increasing number of people struck and killed while walking. In addition to designing safer streets, improving vehicle design along four main criteria is also critical for reducing pedestrian fatalities.

Complete Streets Transportation