Feds finally recommend actions to better protect people walking

The National Transportation Safety Board released recommendations focused on improving pedestrian safety in light of the alarming and continuing uptick in pedestrian deaths since 2009. The recommendations themselves are targeted at actions other federal agencies can take, but there are still some lessons to take away from the recommendations as a whole.


Webinar recap: “People are dying on our streets: Why is this happening and how can we talk about it responsibly?”

In our recent webinar, we were joined by three reporters for a discussion about pedestrian fatalities and how people can talk about the issue in a responsible and productive way. The recording of that webinar is now available along with answers to some of the questions we weren’t able to get to live.

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People are dying on our streets: Why is this happening and how can we talk about it responsibly?

The National Complete Streets Coalition continues our webinar series this month by investigating the increasing number of pedestrian deaths on our streets with two journalists who have reported on the topic. Join us next month for a new topic related to creating safer, healthier, more equitable streets.

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Watch: An Intersections trilogy

Over the two days in Nashville, we were able to ask some of our speakers to share their thoughts on Complete Streets, the importance of equity in our transportation planning and systems, and what creative placemaking means to them. Watch the trilogy of videos below for inspiration. Intersections 2018: Creating Culturally Complete Streets Intersections 2018: … Continued


Building great places through small-scale manufacturing

Smart Growth America is once again soliciting applications for a new round of free technical assistance for communities interested in using small-scale manufacturing as a strategy to create economic opportunity, boost the prospects of Main Street, and build great places.


KC Streetcar: A demonstration of the possible

This month on Building Better Communities with Transit we’re joined by the Executive Director of the KC Streetcar Authority, Tom Gerend. In 2016, Kansas City, MO opened the first streetcar the city has seen in almost 60 years and transformed the city’s downtown. Former skeptics of the line are now some of the KC Streetcar’s biggest proponents as businesses have boomed and more people are moving to—and spending in—the center city. The 2.2 mile KC Streetcar, akin to a downtown circulator, is “a demonstration of the possible.”
