The power of economic diversification in our communities

Beyond the devastating effects on a community, economic disasters can present an opportunity for change by highlighting a risky over-dependence on a single industry sector and motivating local leaders and planners to invest in the long-term resiliency of their community. Our work on the economic development team at Smart Growth America seeks to strengthen local economies through diversification—one of the most effective ways to increase long-term economic resilience.

Economic development Technical assistance

In the zone with form-based codes

The results are in: places that adopt form-based zoning codes generally perform better economically than places regulated by more conventional, Euclidean zoning—and there’s evidence that the former can also help foster more equitable development, according to new research released today by the Form- Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America.

Economic development Form-Based Codes

20 years, 1600 Complete Streets policies 

Newly released maps show the rapid rate of Complete Streets policy adoption across the country from 2000 to 2020, showing a crystal clear progression of Complete Streets policies across the country. By the end of 2020, almost 1,600 communities across the country had demonstrated their commitment to providing safe access to destinations for everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, race, ethnicity, or mode of travel. 

Complete Streets Transportation

Hear how artists are tackling transportation issues during COVID

In partnership with Forecast Public Art, Smart Growth America held a webinar featuring the artists and transportation agencies who worked together as part of the second round of the Arts & Transportation Rapid Response initiative to address COVID-related transportation challenges.  After Ben Stone, director of Arts & Culture at Smart Growth America, and Mark Salinas, … Continued

Creative Placemaking Transportation

Our economic development team at work in Douglas, Arizona

We’re spending the rest of this summer talking about our data-driven, equity-focused approach to economic development and producing prosperous, resilient places—from the team that makes it happen. Catch up with the full series of posts, essays, and reports on this page. The economic development team at SGA often works with communities to identify strategies for … Continued

Economic development

Powerful new tool for helping local communities evaluate the potential benefits of Complete Streets projects

Today, the National Complete Streets Coalition and Smart Growth America are launching a new site to help local communities better model and evaluate the potential benefits of Complete Streets projects—measuring and proving their many economic, health, environmental, equity, and safety benefits—without ever turning over a shovel.

Complete Streets

Meet the new folks at Smart Growth America

We’ve had more than a few people join the Smart Growth America team in 2021. Read on to hear their backgrounds, why they think a smart growth approach matters, and maybe even pick up a book or podcast recommendation.
