Enhanced LOCUS member resources now available

Ready to experience LOCUS like never before? Explore our new, members-only portal. In case you missed it, LOCUS recently launched our new and improved website, featuring enhanced member resources, a revamped design, and overhauled members-only portal. With our upgraded resources, members gain access to more exclusive content that they can browse through faster and more efficiently … Continued


Let’s talk Social Equity


Achieving Social Equity in Complete Streets

Complete Streets aim to serve all people safely. In order to achieve social equity, transportation systems need to be planned and designed to serve all users, including diverse communities. As places become more accessible they become more attractive; how does revitalization and displacement work within the social equity equation?

Join our panelists at Street Lights: Illuminating Implementation and Equity in Complete Streets as they explore the social value of the Complete Streets approach in the implementation of transportation infrastructure and programs.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets News — September 2016



Join us on November 15 in Sacramento — The Street Lights: Illuminating Implementation and Equity in Complete Streets conference is just around the corner. As we deep dive into all aspects of Complete Streets, will you be a part of the conversation? Register today.

Taking place on November 15, 2016 in Sacramento, CA, Street Lights will be a chance for transportation planners and engineers, community, equity, and health advocates, local officials, and Complete Streets practitioners to share ideas, brainstorm solutions, and celebrate the success of the Complete Streets movement nationwide. Planning on attending from out of town? There are a limited number of discounted rooms reserved at the Citizen Hotel, Autograph Collection. The room block closes on October 15.

Complete Streets

Working together to develop local strategies for strong rural communities

This post was originally published by Megan McConville, Senior Policy Advisor to the Rural Housing Service Administrator on the USDA blog.  How will decisions about where we locate new development or upgrade existing infrastructure impact our future economic vitality and fiscal health?  How can we site and plan public facilities and housing so they have the … Continued

Technical assistance

White House urges policy changes to create more affordable housing

The White House made a bold statement earlier this week, taking on the outdated zoning codes and laws, housing and parking regulations, and tax structures that all play a part in discouraging cities — and developers — from building more affordable housing and meeting the demand for more walkable, connected neighborhoods. Because of the way … Continued


Where is walkable development headed in Washington DC?

“The future growth of walkable urban places could provide the same economic base in the 21st century that drivable sub-urbanism did in the mid-to-late 20th century.” That was the eye-catching assertion made by Christopher Leinberger during an event last week focused on meeting the booming demand for walkable urban development. Leinberger spoke at the fourth … Continued


Apply Now: Free Complete Streets technical assistance


Memphis, TN is one of the communities Smart Growth America worked with as part of our free Complete Streets technical assistance initiative.

This month, Smart Growth America announced a limited number of free workshops to help local leaders and residents make their communities more livable, sustainable, and vibrant.

As part of this program, communities can apply for free Complete Streets technical assistance. Cities like Huntsville, AL and Memphis, TN have used this opportunity to bring national experts to their communities to lead Complete Streets workshops with the goal of developing and implementing Complete Streets policies.

Complete Streets