“Public/Private Partnerships: Complete Streets & Large-Scale Development” webinar recap

On October 18th we hosted “Public/Private Partnerships: Complete Streets & Large-Scale Development” the eighth installment in our monthly webinar series, Implementation & Equity 201: The Path Forward to Complete Streets. A recording of the webinar is now available above. You can also download the PDF of the presentation, or read the brief recap below.

Complete Streets

How communities are using small-scale manufacturing to build great places: Lowell, MA

With the upcoming release of our new white paper on this topic on November 7, we are spotlighting a few of the standout examples of cities that have fostered a small-scale manufacturing sector through strategic land use decisions. This series will highlight the merits of small-scale manufacturing and how it’s contributing to the character, appeal, and success of smart downtowns in Lowell, MA; Twin Falls, ID; and Knoxville, TN.

Economic development

Coming soon: a new report on small-scale manufacturing and neighborhood revitalization

Distilleries, jewelry makers, and 3D printers — what do they all have in common? Each is part of the emerging, national movement of small-scale manufacturing, and can contribute meaningfully to a community’s downtown economy. Made in Place: Small-Scale Manufacturing & Neighborhood Revitalization, a forthcoming report from Smart Growth America in partnership with Recast City, will explore this innovative industry and showcase best practices for downtown revitalization.

Economic development

SSTI News: Two new studies improve “walkability” measurement

Differences in perceived travel time based on visual preference surveys. Source: Erath et al., 2015. Where people walk: Two new studies improve “walkability” measurement In planning and designing for pedestrians, sidewalks are often a good start but rarely make a place walkable on their own. Measuring pedestrian accessibility (the topic of a recent SSTI webinar) depends … Continued

DOT Innovation

Coming soon: A brand new Complete Streets policy framework

Introducing a brand new framework for grading Complete Streets policies

We’ve got big news to share: As you hopefully know already, each year the Coalition releases an analysis and ranking of the best Complete Streets policies in the country based on 10 policy elements that were established more than a decade ago. Beginning in 2018, we will be using a brand new framework to analyze and rank Complete Streets policies.

Complete Streets

State groups from across the country take the smart growth message to Capitol Hill

Smart Growth America and the Coalition for Smarter Growth, our local DC regional partner, welcomed thirty other state and regional smart growth organizations from around the country to Washington, DC this week for their annual meeting, including a day of meetings with their legislators to encourage them to pass smart federal policies to support their efforts to build strong communities.


Florida DOT hits milestone in context-based street design

The Florida Department of Transportation is making major strides toward improving pedestrian and bicycle safety through its Complete Streets Implementation initiative. One of FDOT’s most innovative achievements has been the recent adoption of eight context classifications to guide road design decisions. While the concept of context classification is not new, FDOT is one of the first states to operationalize it within formal decision-making processes.

DOT Innovation

Northern Indiana gets a kick-start on Complete Streets implementation

The National Complete Streets Coalition has been working on an exciting new project with Indiana communities along the border of Michigan, in a region known as “Michiana.”  Together with the Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG), we are helping to bring together communities interested in Complete Streets to make the entire region safer and more convenient for everyone, no matter their age, ability, income, race, or how they choose to travel.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets News – October 2017

Do you have a Complete Streets Implementation Committee and/or Complete Streets Coalition in your community? Let us know! We’re collecting an atlas.


Registration now open for Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets — Join us in Nashville, TN on April 3-4, 2018 for mobile workshops, interactive panels and breakout discussions about cutting-edge Complete Streets and creative placemaking research, ideas, and practices. The conference will also be an opportunity to meet fellow advocates and practitioners from across the country.

Have an idea related to Complete Streets or creative placemaking? We are also accepting session proposals. Take part in the movement and register today >>

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