Accessory dwelling units promoted as a strategy to increase affordable housing stock at White House event

The Biden administration hosted a virtual webinar on February 1st highlighting accessory dwelling units (ADUs) as one way to increase affordable housing stock across the country. An esteemed group of fourteen thought leaders, advocates, and government officials from across the country convened to share their expertise and insights, advocate for ADUs, and discuss current barriers in many communities that hinder their development. 

Advocacy Form-Based Codes

National Brownfields Coalition participates in EPA roundtable on brownfield redevelopment and gentrification

On December 14, 2021, members of the Coalition’s leadership team and Environmental Justice and Health Committee joined EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) along with other national brownfield advocacy organizations for a roundtable discussion focused on issues of gentrification and displacement of long-term, lower-income community members related to brownfield redevelopment. By hosting this discussion, EPA sought to gain insight on best practices to support brownfield communities across the country in mitigating the potential adverse impacts of new development while continuing to advance their environmental remediation and economic development goals.

Advocacy Climate Change Economic development

What our staff heard at the 2022 Equity Summit

Last week, Smart Growth America hosted our second annual Equity Summit, with each of the three days curated and led by one of our three teams: land use and development, transportation and thriving communities, and economic development. With a phenomenal lineup of speakers, panelists, and Smart Growth America staff, there were plenty of tidbits of knowledge to take away from the Summit. Here’s what a few of our own staff heard.

Advocacy Climate Change Economic development Transportation

The National Brownfields Coalition testifies before the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment

The National Brownfields Coalition was proud to testify before the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment in a congressional hearing focused on “promoting economic and community redevelopment and environmental justice in the revitalization and reuse of contaminated properties.”


Mammoth infrastructure bill is notable for its powerful precedents and significant shortcomings

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill awaiting the president’s signature is notable both for Congress’ most significant commitment yet to address climate change, and its general failure to do anything to fundamentally change the sources of the problem and reach the level of ambition required. This bipartisan infrastructure deal (the IIJA), approved by Congress on November … Continued

Advocacy Climate Change Complete Streets Transportation

Meet the new folks at Smart Growth America

We’ve had more than a few people join the Smart Growth America team in 2021. Read on to hear their backgrounds, why they think a smart growth approach matters, and maybe even pick up a book or podcast recommendation.


Dangerous By Design 2021

The number of people struck and killed by drivers nationwide while walking increased by an astonishing 45 percent over the last decade (2010-2019). The four most recent years on record (2016-2019) are the most deadly years for pedestrian deaths since 1990. During this ten-year period, 53,435 people were hit and killed by drivers. In 2019, the 6,237 people killed is … Continued

Advocacy Transportation