Meet the TA cohort addressing climate change

Smart Growth America is partnering with three community-based organizations on a Technical Assistance (TA) program funded by Kresge Foundation that addresses climate, land use, and housing topics. The program is designed to support community partners to effectively advocate for planning policies that are more prepared for the impacts of climate change such as flooding and … Continued

Climate Change Technical assistance

Complete Streets are a climate solution

Complete Streets ensure safety for all users (with prioritization given to active modes of transportation), support local residents and businesses, and combat the inequities associated with past approaches to transportation. But Complete Streets have an added benefit—they can help communities address the climate crisis in a way that is resource-efficient, equitable, and community-oriented.

Climate Change Complete Streets

EPA delivers for rural and low-income communities

Smart Growth America helped organize a coalition that urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow climate funds to go towards adaptive reuse projects in location-efficient areas. The decision by the EPA to grant this funding is a climate justice win. Thousands of buildings lie vacant in rural and low-income communities, and not for lack … Continued


Request for proposals: Research and writing support for SGA’s transportation work

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking consulting support to conduct research for and/or write several public-facing reports and resources. These resources will support the technical assistance, advocacy, and thought leadership of Transportation for America and the National Complete Streets Coalition. The updated deadline to submit is Monday, October 31.

Climate Change Complete Streets Transportation

Five Local Leaders Council members join President Obama's Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience

Local Leaders Council at the White HouseLocal Leaders Council members Mayor James Brainard and Mayor Ralph Becker (center) at a meeting of the President’s Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience last week. Photo via the Office of Governor Neil Abercrombie.

Congratulations to the five members of Smart Growth America’s Local Leaders Council who have been appointed to President Obama’s new Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, a group of 26 state, local and tribal leaders from around the country charged with advising the Administration on how the federal government can respond to the needs of communities dealing with the impacts of climate change.

Local Leaders Council