Progress & preservation in award winning zoning codes

Hartford, CT and Rancho Cucamonga, CA are the winners of the 2020 Richard H. Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award, presented by the Form-Based Codes Institute at Smart Growth America. Each year, the Driehaus Award recognizes communities that have adopted and implemented exemplary form-based zoning codes.


Virtual engagement: A springboard for inclusive community planning

Although “business as usual” is not an option today for most local governments, many continue to move forward with important projects, finding new and innovative ways to engage the public in planning for smarter growth. The Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) is partnering with the National Charrette Institute (NCI) to host a webinar series featuring the tools, techniques, and equity implications of virtual community engagement.


More than one million households without a car in rural America need better transit

Many people think the only Americans regularly relying on transit to reach jobs and services live in big cities. Yet the majority of counties with high rates of zero-car households are rural. In fact, more than one million households in predominantly rural counties do not have access to a vehicle. Rural Americans without cars face unique barriers and they deserve a tailored approach to their transit needs rather than just assuming they can or will drive everywhere.

Rural Development Transportation

Arts & Transportation Rapid Response FAQ

Smart Growth America is now accepting applications for the Arts & Transportation Rapid Response, a new opportunity for cities looking to creatively and quickly address pandemic-related transportation challenges. Interested jurisdictions may apply using the form below. We’ll be hosting a webinar about the opportunity and the application on Thursday, May 14 from 1:00 – 2:00pm ET.

Creative Placemaking

Webinar recap: Charrettes go virtual

Last week, we hosted “Charrettes go virtual: Missoula, Montana hosts an online charrette to advance a community vision,” a joint webinar between the Form-Based Codes Institute and the National Charrette Institute. Speakers discussed a first-of-a-kind fully virtual community engagement process conducted for the Mullan Area Master Plan. A recording is now available.


We are all weathering the same storm, but in different boats

Although Giving Tuesday usually happens near Thanksgiving, today has been designated as a special #GivingTuesdayNow because of COVID-19. We urge you to continue supporting important local charities and relief efforts in your community. And for those of you who can, we ask you to consider also supporting our work, which we believe is truly more relevant and urgent than ever.


Webinar recap: Complete Streets responses to COVID-19

This April, we hosted the latest installment of our monthly webinar series Complete Streets 301: Putting people first. We heard from leaders working across the globe to support community responses to COVID-19 through Complete Streets and other transportation initiatives. A recording of the webinar with closed captioning is now available.

Complete Streets

Cities have been opening streets to people, and artists could help make them better

Select cities are responding to COVID-19 and stay-at-home restrictions by opening up streets to people, providing vital room for people to safely exercise as well as walk, bike, and roll to essential destinations while maintaining physical distancing. Smart Growth America is eager to help cities tap the expertise of artists and designers for this work, which can help produce better, more beloved projects that could remain after the pandemic, and foster helpful relationships between artists, city leaders, and transportation departments.

Complete Streets Creative Placemaking Transportation